2019 YAA - OC/High School

Orange County, CA - The Korean Resource Center (KRC) is hosting a youth program focused on Orange County high school students called Youth Advocacy Alliance (YAA).

This program aims to mobilize and empower youth to become strong effective leaders in their communities. It employs social justice education on topics such as immigration, healthcare, gentrification, and education, as well as the practical training of skills from public speaking to project management, and the active application of said skills. Participants will also be given the opportunity to apply these learned tactics by organizing and leading projects or campaigns in their local communities or institutions through a partnership with the KRC. This program aims to develop and motivate leaders of the next generation and give them an opportunity to engage with community members in order to build connections and gain a hands-on experience.

The YAA program will begin Saturday, September 14th and the selected applicants will meet every Saturdays from 12:00 to 3:00 pm.

This program is open to all high school students (9th to 12th grade) of any heritage or background. All applications in Southern California will be accepted, but students in the OC area are preferred.

Application: 2019 Youth Advocacy Alliance Application

To request more information about the programs, please contact milly [at] krcla.org.
